The mountain-god Peion at Ephesos
Los 434
IONIA. Ephesus. Macrinus, 217-218. Medallion (Orichalcum, 36 mm, 23.19 g, 7 h). AYT K M ΟΠЄΛ CЄOYH MAKPЄINOC CЄB Laureate and cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right. Rev. ΠЄIΩN - ЄΦЄCIΩN The mountain-god Peion reclining left, holding cult statue of Artemis Ephesia in his right hand and cornucopiae in his left; to left, distyle temple shown in perspective with cypress tree behind; above, boar, pierced by spear, running right on mountain crest between two turrets. Karwiese 612 (-/R33). Extremely rare and of great mythological and historical interest. A boldly struck example with exceptional reverse details and undoubtedly the finest known. Somewhat rough and with some minor deposits, otherwise, good very fine.

The figure on the reverse of this wonderful coin is often described as a river-god, but it is in fact certainly the mountain-god Peios. Ephesus lay between two hills, which dominate its topography and are called Bülbüldağ and Panayırdağ today. There has been much dispute over which of the two city hills is shown on this and related coins. The problem arises from the scenery on the reverse: we see the Ephesian boar - pierced by Androklos' spear - running to the right over a mountain crest between two turrets and a Naïskos, a small temple, to the left of the reclining mountain-god. While the turrets support an identification of the hill with the Bülbüldağ, as this is where Ephesus' Hellenistic fortifications lay, the Naïskos clearly represents the Temple of Athena, built on the foot of the Panayırdağ on the very site where the boar had allegedly collapsed after his flight. Perhaps the dies were cut by a foreign artist, who was not familiar with the exact topography of the Ephesian foundation myth and therefore combined the two city hills into one. In any case, this piece is certainly among the most exciting of all Ephesian coins, with a wonderful reverse image of profound mythological significance and great artistic beauty
750 CHF
600 CHF
2000 CHF
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